Hi there ๐Ÿ‘‹

Iโ€™m Killian: Builder, Software Engineer, Engineering Leader, Founder. I am passionate about leverating technology to better the world. Youโ€™ll currently find me in the Financial technology space at Happy Money as the CTO, and formerly as a co-founder and the CTO at Sezzle.

I am a builder and tinkerer that you can generally find reading, building, or experimenting. Aside from my thoughts shared on the posts on this site or on the linked social media sites you can find some additional information below.


Interviews / Articles

Hugo vs Gatsby

Hugo vs. Gatsby In a world of fast-moving libraries and frameworks, it is easy to get lost in analysis paralysis when selecting frameworks, technical stacks, and ensuring that you are going to be working with tools that are modern, but stable, simple, but will scale. The world of static site generators is no different. As an engineer that is passionate about Go and React (both of which I have worked with extensively professionally and on hobby projects)....

07 Jan 2021 ยท 3 min ยท